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anyone do any classical sequence??????
Posted by MichMich
1/6/2003  11:01:00 AM
hey! just wondering if anyone does any sequence as well as latin and modern dance?

dont really here of many other people doing this outside of the uk.

plz post.
Posted by TheDitz
1/6/2003  11:44:00 AM
Here in the US, we have something called Round Dancing? Wonder if it's the same?

I haven't seen any Round dancing, but I hear that it uses Ballroom patterns, but you have to know the choregraphy for the song. I haven't been really interested, because the folks I know who do it, are completely lost (and they admit it) on a normal ballroom floor, because while they know the foot patterns, they have no floor craft or ability to join patterns together to get around the floor.
re: anyone do any classical sequence??????
Posted by tango
1/6/2003  1:48:00 PM
I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with sequence nor round dancing (I only dance international style Latin and Standard). Can anybody care to explain to me what these dances are? I'm dying to learn!


Posted by SocialDancer
1/6/2003  2:45:00 PM
As I understand it, round dancing is choreographed to a particular tune, with a main repeating group plus intro and breaks etc. A caller gives the cues for each figure as it appears.

Sequence is similar; no caller, and a fixed 16 bar repeated pattern which can be danced to any suitable tune. Around 30 to 40 new dances are published each year, and have been for about 50 years! They use standard ballroom and latin figures and variations. Classical (aka Old Time) is another style similar to what I think is called vintage in the US. This includes saunters, 2-steps (not cowboy), gavottes and medium speed waltzes with lots of rotaries and 3rds and 5ths.

Apart from the UK, sequence is popular in Oz and NZ.

For more info and a forum, see www.sequencedancing.co.uk
re: anyone do any classical sequence??????
Posted by tango
1/7/2003  7:56:00 AM
Thanks for the description, Social Dancer! Sequence does sound like a lot of fun! I'm always happy to learn new dances. In fact I'm starting Flamenco in a couple of days and I"m really excited about it. Anybody here learning or have learned Flamenco before?


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